Phnom Banan Temple
Phnom Banan Temple is the highlight you must see i Battambang . It’s situated on the top of the hill, about 22 kilometers to the south of Battambang. Phnom Banan is an Angkor-era mountaintop temple overlooking the countryside and rural villages. Phnom Banan Temple or it's often called Prasat Phnom Banan or Banan Temple was originally built in the mid 11st century and the end of 12nd century from King Ut Tak Yea Tit Tya Varman II (1050-1066) to king Jarvarman VII (1181-1219). In the past, the temple has been heavily looted but so far it is the best-preserved of the Khmer temples around Battambang. The temple consits of five prasats (towers) arranged in the quincunx (five-pointed) form reminiscent of Angkor Wat with the middle being the largest. You have to climb up 520 steps staircase to reach these towers and enjoy the great panoramic view. At there, you will admire stunning scenery of Sanger River amid sugar palm trees and the breathtaking view of the surrounding c...